Terms Of Sale For Your Mantel clock
Buying Expectations For Old Clocks
Antique clock sales and vintage items by their very nature are old and used items and will show signs of normal wear due to age and use. As we define ‘good condition’ for vintage clocks, relative to the stated age of the piece, we would expect to see ‘character marks’ consistent with the age of the vintage clock and could include nicks or dings to a wooden or metal object, wear to a painted surface, speckling on a mirror, crazing or manufacturer glaze skips in ceramic finish, wear to a label, and some original decorative trim may be missing from a mantelpiece clock. An old clock by it’s own definition, is “old” You should expect that a mantel clock may need to be adjusted and serviced due to the shipping. Shipping generally takes a toll on an old mantel clock

When Your Mantel Clock Arrives
Antique mantel clocks are not anything like modern day ones. Not only is there aging, as described above, but there is the set up for your vintage mantelpiece clock once it is received due to the need to carefully pack and ship it, in order to protect your beautiful “investment in time”. Some larger and heavier old clocks may need to be partially broken down, due to size and weight. Putting the few parts together is usually no more than a couple of screws on vintage clocks. On all occasions, the pendulum will be removed from and packed separately from the clock in order to prevent any damage from its movement while shipping. The art of selling antique clocks is to understand the set up once your old mantel clock is shipped and received by you.
It is a simple matter to unscrew the bell with its single nut and carefully hang the pendulum back in place and into the “crutch” (the hanging wire that looks like it has a tuning fork at its end) or the loop of string if a “silk suspension” an an old mantel clock. Once done, you will need to set the mantelpiece clock “in beat”, making sure that yours is placed on a flat and even surface.
for old clock sales, Our Guarantee = Your Safety Net
Your mantel clock is ready to be enjoyed, is running and a good time keeper. All of our antique clocks for sale have the easiest guarantee. We guarantee your complete right of return of them within 7 calendar days of receipt for your vintage clocks. You just pay the shipping of the back to us in the same condition in which it was received and 100% of your purchase price, less our shipping and yours, shall be refunded for all vintage clocks that we sell-. You must also insure it for the price you paid. However, you will most likely find that a simple call to us will help you solve any problems during the set up of vintage clocks, in order for you to feel secure about your purchase. If shipping it or the mantelpiece clock mechanism back to us, all old clocks must be packaged in the same way as received to insure that there is no further damage. All of our mantelpiece clocks and carriage clocks are priced as “plus shipping”.
The first and foremost thing to remember, and maybe the most essential aspect of setting up old clocks, is how to set the time. Always remember- NEVER to move the minute hand counterclockwise on any old clocks (see our “care of antique mantel clocks.”) The time adjustment can go out during shipping, so you may or may not need to adjust that. Many old clocks have time adjustment levers or smaller old clocks, and the later 1800s clocks have key adjustment arbors. The earlier mantel clocks have a pendulum adjustment that will allow you to raise or lower the pendulum to adjust the fast/slow speed. By moving the pendulum “bob” down, you slow the rate of speed. By moving it up on vintage clocks, you increase the speed. Moving the minute hand “clockwise” to the right, and once again, for vintage clocks, only to the right, you can set the minute time. You can move the hour hand in any direction (providing it moves with ease). You never want to force anything with old clocks.
To set the chime or bell for the hour or half hour, you will first need to slowly advance the minute hand of your mantel clock until you reach the “six,” it should ring once for the half hour if that is what it is supposed to do. When you rotate the minute hand to the “twelve,” you will hear successive gongs/chimes/rings announcing the hour. After shipping, this, many times, will be out of adjustment, and you will need to advance the hour and minute hand to set this slowly. Old clocks do not like to be rushed. 🙂
Long Term Maintenance for Your Mantel Clock
Approximately every five to ten years, depending on the last time it was serviced, vintage clocks must be cleaned and oiled . Some will recommended high grade German synthetic oils made for mechanical old clocks (Etsyntha 859), but many still like non synthetic oil, like Moebius 8030. With all of the above in mind you should be able to enjoy your investment in your vintage clocks for years to come. Enjoy yours.
Cleaning Your Vintage Clock
Selling antique clocks is not a one-time affair between us, as you, as a buyer, have purchased an old clock with many moving parts. We, of course, are here to help you on your journey. A weekly regular feather dusting will help reduce dust build-up, but twice per year, use a vacuum cleaner nozzle with a soft brush attachment to thoroughly remove all dust from crevices and cracks of your mantelpiece clock. Please avoid moving your old clock around when dusting the surrounding area. Dial glass of vintage clocks can be cleaned by applying a minimal amount of Windex directly to a clean cloth. The glass is carefully rubbed and then wiped with a clean paper towel or soft cloth. Proper maintenance will allow you to enjoy your old clock for a lifetime.
Here is a good link for information on the care of old clocks: CLOCK INFO
Antique clock sales and vintage clocks, require expertise and we are here to offer you just that. Our selection of finely crafted mantelpiece clocks will beautify your home. Don’t forget to explore our other fabulous vintage clocks, including American clocks, Art Deco clocks, and carriage clocks, each with its unique charm and history. Selling antique clocks IS our expertise, and servicing you and your vintage clocks is our pleasure.